Isolation Routing - Data Control Conversion
You designed a PCB with your CAD package and now want to make a prototype or a small series by etching or by isolation routing. |
Features |
The questions:
- How do you check and correct the drill-, rout- and plot-data, their dimension and layer registration?
- Do you need to convert data to adapt for different output devices and machinery?
- Do you want to make a prototype by isolation routing?
- Do you intend to have your board panelized?
- Are you going to manufacture aluminium front panels? Will you need a tool compensation on the milled contours?
- Prior to giving your PCB data to an external manufacturer, how can you check data integrity and how can you do a design rule check under prodution conditions
The answers:
- Isolator reads your Gerber, HP/GL, drill- and rout-files. It offers you editing facilities like shift, mirror, copy, paste, delete and more on single vectors, groups of elements or entire layers.
- Isolator can convert data into several, also user defined or customized, formats. Postscript output allows making film artworks on raster photoplotters.
- Isolator comes with a worthy isolation routing converter with router diameter compensation and with the possibility of creating copper "rubout" areas. In many cases, Isolator can directly drive your drilling / routing machine.
- Isolator offers high sophisticated CAM features like tool compensation, panelization, aperture conversion and replacement, serpentine and sorting facilities.
- Isolator can test the integrity of your data and does design rule checks of tracks, pads, air gaps and more.
- The aperture table and the tool rack can be edited, saved and printed. A converter utility automatically reads the aperture information from most CAD packages.
- Isolator provides consistency and integrity of your data. You may be sure that your PCB manufacturer does not need to do further cost intense modifications.
- Isolator was made in USA and runs on AT compatible computers.